Delete your account and your data

If you no longer wish to use our services and would like to delete your data, there are a few ways to do this.

Vaskehjelp app (Android or iOS)

  1. Download the app from App Store for iPhone, or from Play Store for Android
  2. Log in to the app
  3. Press “More”
  4. Press “Your profile”
  5. Press “Delete user account” and confirm deletion

Vaskehjelp web app

  1. Go to
  2. Log in
  3. Press your name at the top, on mobile you must first open the menu
  4. Press “Your profile”
  5. Press “Delete user account” and confirm deletion

If you need assistance with deleting your account, please contact us.

What data is deleted?

  • Name, email, phone
  • Payment methods

What data is kept?

  • Addresses for booked appointments
  • For cleaners:
    • Bank account number: up to 1 year, for payouts and settlements
    • National identity number: up to 2 years, for financial reporting to Skatteetaten
    • Organization number: up to 2 years, for financial reporting to Skatteetaten